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Training leaders of hyper-connected society

School of Big Data Science

The School of Big Data Science is dedicated to nurturing future leaders of society who specialize in “big data,” the engine that drives the 4th Industrial Revolution. The School provides education that caters to corporate demand in new data-based industries, thereby increasing the students’ chances of employment in the new industries.

Majors on Offer

Bio Statistics in Clinical Medicine : Training statistical professionals with expertise in hospital/clinical data
Data Technology : Training professional data scientists
Financial Data Informatics : Training professional planners and strategists to seek new growth projects based on corporate management, finance and insurance data.


• 1+1 double-major track to train ‘specialists in hyper-connected data’ with skills to develop multi-disciplinary content

• Curriculum to produce ‘content planners and strategists’ who can analyze multi-dimensional data generated in the hyper-connected society, extract innovative information value, and create competitive content for new growth industries

• On-site education through student participation in joint research projects run by working-level experts from the Industry-Academia-Hospital-Government; capacity building program such as Adventure Design & Capstone Design; certified PBL&FL(Project Based Learning & Flipped Learning) collaborative research seminars

• 5C (Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, Catalyst Maker) training initiative for data analysis specialists; “Hi FIVE” education model